June 3, 2024

Capital Improvement Plan Public Hearing and

Regular Board Meeting at City Hall

5:30 PM


Call to order.

Establish quorum.

Public appearances. (Limited to 5 minutes.)

Present business:

  1. Read and approve minutes for budget hearing and regular meeting 5/6/24.
  2. Discussion and possible action regarding Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), including any public comments to the board about the needs of the town.
  3. Discussion and possible action regarding CIP documentation, including:
    1. CIP Project Narrative;
    1. Resolution 20240603A to apply for the CIP CDBG program;
    1. Adoption of a Citizen Participation Plan;
    1. Applicant Disclosure Report;
    1. Fair Housing Resolution 20240603B;
    1. Residential Anti-Displacement & Relocation Assistance Plan;
    1. Local Planning Activities Committee Establishment; and
    1. Grantee Debarment Review Certification.
  4. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2024-2025 Escrow Use Form to apply escrow funds toward OMAG insurance premiums.
  5. Approve May payroll.
  6. Discussion, review, and possible action concerning monthly financial reports and approve purchases.
  7. Updates from heads of departments.
  8. Updates and reports from board.
  9. Unforeseen business.
  10. Adjourn.

Posted 5/31/2024 by 5:30 PM by Crystal Ninemire, town clerk.