August 5, 2024

Regular Board Meeting at City Hall

5:30 PM


Call to order.

Establish quorum.

Public appearances. (Limited to 5 minutes.)

Present business:

  1. Read and approve minutes for regular meeting 7/1/24.
  2. Possible executive session to discuss appointment of a public officer pursuant to 25 O.S. ยง 307(B)(1) per 1992 OK AG 23.
    1. Reconvene open meeting.
    1. Possible action regarding subject of executive session.
  3. Discussion and possible action regarding cancellation of the regular meeting on September 9 due to unavailability and scheduling a special meeting or special meetings.
  4. Discussion and possible action regarding approval and acceptance of the 2022-2023 Agreed Upon Procedures report from Crawford & Associates.
  5. Discussion and possible action regarding the TCEC voting delegate form.
  6. Approve July payroll.
  7. Discussion, review, and possible action concerning monthly financial reports and approve purchases.
  8. Updates from heads of departments.
  9. Updates and reports from board.
  10. Unforeseen business.
  11. Adjourn.

Posted 7/31/2024 by 5:30 PM by Crystal Ninemire, town clerk.