Regular Board Meeting at City Hall
5:30 PM
Call to order.
Establish quorum.
Public appearances. (Limited to 5 minutes)
Present business:
- Read and approve minutes for regular meeting 1/3/22 and special meeting 1/10/22.
- Discussion and possible action regarding appointment to vacant seat on the board of trustees.
- If appointment is made and appointee is present, administration of Loyalty Oath and Oath of Office, per Oklahoma Statutes and Oklahoma Constitution, respectively.
- Discussion and possible action regarding OCEA Community Improvement Grant application.
- Discussion and possible action regarding proposed changes to ordinances for codification, including tax rate updates and roll off rules.
- Approve January payroll.
- Discussion, review, and possible action concerning monthly financial reports and approve purchases.
- Updates from heads of departments.
- Unforeseen business.
- Updates and reports from board.
- Adjourn.
Posted 2/3/2022 by 5:30 PM by Crystal Bollinger, city clerk.