Special Board Meeting at City Hall
5:30 PM
Call to order.
Establish quorum.
Present business:
- Read and approve minutes for special meeting 11/5/2020.
- Discussion and possible action regarding Charles Owens’ resignation from the board of trustees.
- Discussion and possible action to appoint Cody Ninemire to seat 1 of the board of trustees.
- If appointment is approved, administration of Loyalty Oath and Oath of Office, per Oklahoma Statutes and Oklahoma Constitution, respectively.
- Discussion and possible action to approve the removal of Charles Owens as a valid signator on banking and legal documents dated after December 4, 2020.
- Discussion and possible action to approve the addition of Cody Ninemire as a valid signator on banking and legal documents dated after December 4, 2020.
- Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20201204a Schedule of Meeting Dates.
- Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20201204b Election.
- Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20201204c OMAG Escrow.
- Discussion and possible action regarding recodification of city ordinances.
- Approve November payroll.
- Discussion, review, and possible action concerning monthly financial reports and approve purchases.
- Updates from heads of departments.
- Updates and reports from board.
- Adjourn.
Posted 12/1/2020 by 5:30 PM by Crystal Bollinger, city clerk.