December 4, 2020

Special Board Meeting at City Hall

5:30 PM


Call to order.

Establish quorum.

Present business:

  1. Read and approve minutes for special meeting 11/5/2020.
  2. Discussion and possible action regarding Charles Owens’ resignation from the board of trustees.
  3. Discussion and possible action to appoint Cody Ninemire to seat 1 of the board of trustees.
    1. If appointment is approved, administration of Loyalty Oath and Oath of Office, per Oklahoma Statutes and Oklahoma Constitution, respectively.
  4. Discussion and possible action to approve the removal of Charles Owens as a valid signator on banking and legal documents dated after December 4, 2020.
  5. Discussion and possible action to approve the addition of Cody Ninemire as a valid signator on banking and legal documents dated after December 4, 2020.
  6. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20201204a Schedule of Meeting Dates.
  7. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20201204b Election.
  8. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20201204c OMAG Escrow.
  9. Discussion and possible action regarding recodification of city ordinances.
  10. Approve November payroll.
  11. Discussion, review, and possible action concerning monthly financial reports and approve purchases.
  12. Updates from heads of departments.
  13. Updates and reports from board.
  14. Adjourn.

Posted 12/1/2020 by 5:30 PM by Crystal Bollinger, city clerk.