Weather permitting, the Hardesty Fire Department will test the town storm sirens Tuesday, March 30.
February gas bills
Hardesty’s gas supplier increased the price for February’s natural gas after the February usage bills to our customers were sent out. As a result, the gas bills for February had to be increased. Our gas customers will receive a letter by mail with their individual amounts based on their gas usage during the month of February.
We understand this is unexpected, and sincerely apologize for the lack of warning.
The board of trustees discussed the increase, and the best way to handle it, in a special meeting on March 22, and decided that:
- Customers that owe less than $50 will be billed for the entire amount on the next bill.
- Customers that owe more than $50 will be set up on a 3-month payment plan, starting with the next bill, but can pay off the whole amount at any time.
- Today through July 1, 2021, gas disconnections for nonpayment will be suspended. Water disconnections may still occur.
- Today through July 1, 2021, late fees will not apply to the remainder of the February gas bill, but will still apply to all other billed items.
Note: Late fees are calculated by the billing software, and cannot be adjusted before the bills are printed. This means that the total amount owed after the 10th of the month will be slightly higher than your actual amount due. Any overpayment will be applied as a credit on your account toward the next bill.
Please contact Crystal at city hall with any questions.
March 22, 2021
Special Board Meeting at City Hall
5:30 PM
Call to order.
Establish quorum.
Present business:
- Discussion and possible action regarding West Texas Gas price increase for February 2021 production and billing.
- Updates from heads of departments and/or board members.
- Adjourn.
Posted 3/12/2021 by 5:30 PM by Crystal Bollinger, city clerk.