January 6, 2024

Regular Board Meeting at City Hall
6:00 PM


Call to order.
Establish quorum.
Public appearances. (Limited to 5 minutes.)
Present business:

  1. Read and approve minutes for special meetings 12/9/2024 and 12/26/2024.
  2. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20250106 providing for an election on April 1, 2025.
  3. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 20250106b authorizing OMAG to distribute escrow account funds.
  4. Discussion and possible action regarding the IRS standard mileage rates for 2025.
  5. Approve December payroll.
  6. Discussion, review, and possible action concerning monthly financial reports and approve purchases.
  7. Updates from heads of departments.
  8. Updates and reports from board.
  9. Unforeseen business.
  10. Adjourn.

Posted 1/2/2025 by 6:00 PM by Crys Ninemire, town clerk.

December 26, 2024

Special Board Meeting at City Hall

6:00 PM


Call to order.

Establish quorum.

Present business:

  1. Discussion and possible action regarding approval and execution of OEDA REAP grant contract.
  2. Possible executive session to discuss personnel pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307(B)(1).
    1. Reconvene open meeting.
    1. Possible action regarding executive session.
  3. Updates from heads of departments.
  4. Updates and reports from board.
  5. Adjourn.

Posted 12/19/2024 by 6:00 PM by Crystal Ninemire, town clerk.