The Town of Hardesty would like to express its gratitude to Mays Construction for the successful replacement of a sewer main under Highway 412 at 2nd St. That sewer main serves nearly a third of the town. The project was partially grant funded through the OEDA REAP Grant Program.
Planned Outage May 3
The Town of Hardesty will be draining the water tower for repairs.
There will be little to no water pressure on Wednesday, May 3.
PLEASE PLAN AHEAD and get the water you will need for that day.
El Pueblo de Hardesty drenará la torre de agua para repararla.
Habrá poca o ninguna presión de agua el Miércoles 3 de Mayo.
PLANIFIQUE CON ANTICIPACIÓN y obtenga el agua que necesitará para ese día.
Hardesty is grateful to the representatives of ORWA that came to the board meeting tonight.